What this isn’t: This isn’t a name it and claim it book. This isn’t a book about bribing or paying people to upgrade your finance. This isn’t a book about manipulating credit results or reports. This IS a wonderfully written book that couples true testimonials with the concept of living life comfortably with good credit. It IS about dedicating our resources to the up building of a good credit score, in the good times and the bad. It IS a wonderful testimonial of how our credit life attracts quick business funding and credit expertise. This causes benefits and blessing to flow in our own lives so that we can in turn leave a legacy for generations to enjoy. In a nutshell, if you take care of your credit, FIRST, you would have preserved your generation from poverty. Read it and then do it yourself and see if your life won’t take a positive turn for the better.
At the beginning of the year, I knew a few things in my life needed to change. I knew that life was demanding of me to do more and be more, and it needed to start immediately. The first thing that was nagging at my spirit and heart was my financial life. While I was giving it attention, it was not 10%. My finances and life were a mess. I had all of the material acumen of success, but I cried many nights because something was still missing. In short, a few months ago, I purchased a copy of the book and read it. The need for a credit repair became even more clear. The book presented a clear and practical advantage of proper credit. So, in short, The Credit Sorcerer, thank you for making this book available, for joining God in the work of exemplifying credit worthiness, and for providing a second chance at financial stability. The book is awesome, practical and an all round good read.